Monday 25 January 2010

An Education

Having just done my exams and looking forward to another semester in uni, this film makes me wonder about the education we receive in life. Is it right for us to be carried on hands from cradle to grave or should we be thrown in at the deep end? One way or another, we have a lot to learn.

We can start by learning from the people who made this film about how to make a film with a plot worth millions as boring as watching two bisons taking a poop. Although nobody would like to learn how to do that. I felt bored and even though presented an award-winning (11 wins & 39 nominations) plot I found it difficult to stay intrigued for long.

The acting was good, which naturally means that there was nothing special and nothing was visibly horrendous so I could take yet another poor actor to the slaughterhouse. I was impressed with Carey Mulligan and expect to see her in something again soon. I wish she did a role of someone dominant and fierce. I think it would be challenging for her and treat for all of us on the other side of the screen. Until that she will always be a girl in a film about a girl and a man, which at the same time is brilliant and nothing special.

However, I do feel anyone with a spare 90 minutes should definitely consider this coming of age story.

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