Saturday 8 May 2010

Crazy Heart

I can see why people appreciate this film so much. I, however, do not.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good film, the acting's brilliant and the soundtrack too, provided you are the kind of person that has a sofa on you r front law, do not know what soap is, don't consider vegetables a meal and look at your fit cousin and think: "I'll have a bit of that." But I just can't see myself wanting to see it again. And when it comes to films, that is something I look for. I want to have a need for more.

Right, so without spoiling much, its about Bad Blake, don't know who he is, google it, I'm not an encyclopedia. His struggles, successes and vomcanoes. As you do, if you have an alcohol addiction. Jeff Bridges, as we all know, got an Oscar for the lead and I can now see why, he really did do a good job, but nonetheless, I remain unmoved.

I'd say - see for yourself, maybe you'll love it. I didn't.

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