Sunday, 7 March 2010


I was really rather surprised when the film ended. The name in the credits after "directed by" left me asking myself whether something has happened to the man who can make such cinematic brilliance.

The film was good, but the thing is that it will never in a million years be as good as the real story, so it is sort of like comparing the aviation capabilities of a rocket and a rhino... on a loo. This is not meant in any way to take anything away from the film, because I enjoyed every minute of it and even now have an urge to go see it again.

Something I was dreading looking forward to seeing it was Matt Damon. Not because I have a particular dislike to his acting skills or that I find his appearance somewhat of a buzzkill. It's just that ever since Blood Diamond I am terrified of having hollywood what-nots having to play someone with a particular accent. What is wrong with having a South African play a South African? Why do we need to bring in a bloke who is of english, finnish, swedish and scottish decent, born in Massachusetts, to play a South African? It was better then Leo, but still sounded half russian,half umpaloompan from time to time.

Bearing that in mind, I thought Morgan Freeman didn't struggle with this, surprisingly. Then again, Mandela's speech is extremely... well... particular, so maybe it was easier for him. Then again, he did do a brilliant job and watching the Oscars the other night, I felt sorry for him sitting there, earning no hardware and not having to deliver a speech about all the people he wishes to thank. Although, I totally understand why he left with nothing and will thus not start one of my usual rants about everything that is wrong with the world.

Another thing I thoroughly enjoyed was the music. Especially in the final game in the stadium, it filled my heart with simple joy and made think about all the things that the western world misses out on. I know we boast 5 cars, 20,973,463 tvs and gadzillion internets per household, but do we know the joy of life?

One way or another, I am genuinely happy I saw this and like I said, I might just have to go see it again.

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