Sunday 21 March 2010

44 Inch Chest

Long story short, it's a story of a wife who cheats on her husband. But then, as you do, the husband decides to kidnap the lover.

At first, I was quite annoyed to see the whole time warp thing again. If you have read any of my previous reviews, you would understand why this is. But then it got worse. I happened to watch The Departed again on the same day and as we all know, that film doesn't really shine with a simple plot. Its even more complicated than quantum-physics and nobody knows how that works. However, as complicated as the story line in The Departed may be, the one in 44 Inch Chest was even more so and even just plain weird. I was confused from the get-go.

It reminded me of an "arty film" with long, slow shots and scenes or composition planned more carefully than Lady GaGa's hair. Perfect example - the opening scene, which, by the way was gorgeous. If there is anything to take from the film, it is the dialogue. Yes, you can argue it's the only thing one possibly can take from a film where the action is situated in one room and one room only, but regardless, it was witty. Casual and witty indeed.

Apart from that, let's move on to something more interesting... like another film perhaps.

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