Monday, 30 August 2010

The Other Guys

I will now capture the essence of this film in three sentences. Have you ever seen Anchorman? If yes, then you might get a laugh or two out of this one. If no, then watch this, you will love it and once you are done, watch Anchorman because you will laugh your sides off.

That was two sentences. Well, you know what they say, sixty per cent of the time it works every time. Honestly, Will Ferrell is extremely funny, but I don't think it came out as much in this. On the other hand, Mark Wahlberg really stole the show here. If you have been reading my reviews, you will remember that monsieur Wahlberg can only play one character. Well this was perfect for him because normally when he plays the backstreet tough guy with nothing-to-lose attitude, he just looks silly and as credible as a koala pretending to be a grizzly bear. But let him play the same role in a film where this anger is supposed to look over the top and ridiculous and you have a combination worth gold.

It is a definite must-see film that will leave you rolling on the floor. Just try not to choke on your popcorn.

Toy Story 3

I guess there really isn't much to say about this one. The people who are into Toy Story will see it and the people who aren't won't. It's just that kind of a film.

Which makes it even more surprising, that having not seen 1 or 2, I, who I'm not really bothered about such films saw it. Bits were funny and, having been explained the whole plot malarky, I kind of understood what made it tick. People who you could tell were proper into it were in tears by the end. I, however, was not. It just isn't my type of film, so thus there wasnt much cinematographic value in it for me. Which, looking back, didn't stop me one bit from having fun, so you might as well give it a go.

But like I said in the beginning - if you're into it, you will enjoy it, you you aren't, you probably won't.

Monday, 23 August 2010

The Ghost Writer

I'm really undecided on this one. The plot was clever, I guess but it felt so dragged on that I lost interest in it and started looking for other things to keep me entertained. The scenery sparks to mind as, after all, films are a visual art. Sadly, the setting of the film was about as interesting as watching an 80-year old man's hair grow. Yes, its creepy and nothing will ever happen, just like the film.

At the same time, there were twists and turns in the story line, Ewan McGregor could have been worse, Brosnan couldn't, and the ending was a bit of a loose end. So it sounds pretty decent, no?

Oh I can't make up my mind, just go, watch it and then let me know what you thought.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

The Daybreakers

Has anyone ever seen a worse film? No, I'm serious. Actually, wait, I take that back now that I've remembered some people decided to make High School Musical 1,2 and even 3, which are also known as the worst films in the history. I'd rather go have a wall of death with a pack of rhinos than watch those 3. But in all seriousness, The Daybreakers is just an awful, awful film.

There was only one thing I mildly enjoyed throughout the hour and a half of utter disgust - the concept of blood running out. Basics of supply and demand were covered, except if human blood was exchanged like a commodity as food, the whole market would have collapsed ages before they came to the situation when people realise there isn't any left. Just like what's gonna happen to us when we stop finding new places to drill oil from.

So here's an honest suggestion - why don't you go and watch a documentary about drilling oil rather than waste time on this crap?

Sunday, 15 August 2010

From Paris with Love

It's kind of like Training Day crossbred with Mr. & Mrs. Smith. So it sounds pretty good, right? Wrong. I really enjoyed the first half and when it got to the second half it was just a complete anticlimax.

The first half was witty, exciting and the fight scenes were bloody. So all was well. And then we got to the second half which reminded me a bit of old Steven Seagal or Jean Claude van Damme films - crap. It was as if the director realised he had run out of time and made a bit of an etch-a-sketch ending for the film. As an insult to injury, the final scene was little short of cinematic abortion. This is 2010, last lines like that belong in the early 90s.

Two things did make me happy though. Firstly, I am not sure whether it is the extrapolation of John Travolta's midlife crisis into his acting career or if he has really into the baddie role now, but He was awesome in this as he was in the Taking of Peltham 123.

Secontly, one of Travolta's lines was "royale with cheese," which made me laugh.

I wouldn't recommend it, but I can't blame you if you wanna watch it.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Up In The Air

Luckily, I saw this film on a long bus journey when I was hung over. This covers all the basis as I was in a similar situation to the characters and due to my intoxicated condition, looked much like George Clooney.

It is the sort of film that isn't bad enough to be a time waster, i.e. the kind you watch for the cheap thrills from oversized explosions or slapstick humor. Surprisingly, it wasn't good enough either to be an actual work of art. So what are we actually left with here? Well, quite frankly not much apart from a 50-year old bloke who hates people, thinks he finds his match and true love, only to get smacked in the face in the most ironic of ways. And that is fine, because he treats us.

No wonder he got nominated for an oscar, because he is one hell of an actor, but it's the movie that let him down and robbed him a small yellow dude on a platform. And since I've already ruined the twist in the plot there is no reason why you should see it. So instead, go and run in the fields or something, walk your dog or play chess.