Thursday, 22 July 2010


Right, so basically, imagine a ball of string. Pretty simple right? Now picture a ball of string with gadzillion ends sticking out rather than one. That's what you get with Inception.

The best bit was, however that as you go through the story, all these little ends of string find matches and tie to them to make a big, fat piece of rope that will soon, thanks to the twisted writing skill of Christopher Nolan, explode, be involved in a car chase, be shot at, punched and thrown off a bridge.

The story in a nutshell is about invading people's dreams to steal thoughts. Easy, right. But not when Leo DiCaprio is around... should have seen that one coming. Now naturally, you must go into someone's brain to put an idea in there, but obviously that is completely impossible...

...unless you have Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page and Handsome Bob on your side, obviously. Combine this and you have all that it takes to make a good movie - think of it as an IKEA equivalent of a blockbuster.

Luckily though, the whole thing is so well done that not once did I get the feeling I had no clue what was going on, which leaves you without a single reason not to see this film.

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