Right, speaking of ridiculous.... If you are the kinda guy who looks at a film and says "that car chase would never happen because the power to weight ration of the escaping car is blah blah blah blah blah..." and "he would never survive the crash because his head has the same density as a watermelon and blah blah blah.." then you are better off going back to your lab, because this film is simply ridiculous.
No joke, it's sort of Once Upon a Time in Mexico meet Shoot 'Em Up, plus added ridiculousness.
Sadly the opening fight is the best in the film in my opinion and there is a greater chance in every member of the film crew being hit by meteorites while they are equally distributed across the earth than the final battle going down as it did. However, combine Jessica Alba, Lindsey Lohan and Michelle Rodriguez in the same film and we, my friends have got a movie on our hands!
No, seriously, go and see this, its freakin' amazing! Totally absurd and brilliant at the same time. (just make sure you have a few beers before and have plenty of snacks and you're sorted!)